NO OUTSIDERS: Everyone Different, Everyone Welcome
Preparing Children for Life in Modern Britain
As part of our commitment to nurturing mutual respect, we learn about our differences and recognise our individuality and uniqueness. All of school life is interwoven with aspects of the fundamental British Values and we teach children specifically about the Equality Act 2010 and the nine protected characteristics within it.
Through PSHE education lessons, children explore focused lessons from A Moffat’s No Outsider’s book. The lessons use children’s picture books to encourage children to explore and develop an understanding of age appropriate knowledge regarding our differences. This includes the protected characteristics to ensure children develop understanding of our differences and nurture mutual respect. We use one book per half term each year.
The slide show below has images of the books used for each year group and have a link to a video retelling the story. Please take some time to share the appropriate stories with your child.